Engraved Luxury Signature Decanter
Our gorgeous personalised Luxury Signature Decanter is a 750ml hexagonal decanter that will turn heads at whatever function it is brought out in. Gift one to a loved one who is always organising parties for friends and family. It’s sure to amaze guests and become their new go to showstopping centrepiece. Don’t be surprised if you see other people follow their lead and buy similarly beautifully sculpted personalised decanters from My Happy Moments.
Add your loved one's name and a short message to make it a truly unique present that they’re bound to treasure forever. Our superb team of creatives will then engrave their name onto their stunning hexagonal decanter for them. The finished product will be with a standout statement piece, which’ll embody our passion for stunning personalised gifting and outstanding craftsmanship.
Name: 15 Characters max
Second Line: 15 Characters max
Dimensions: 26.5cm x 11cm x 7.5cm
Express Delivery Available