Engraved Elegance Signature Round Decanter
The shining star of any party is sure to be our stylish personalised Elegance Signature Round Decanter. This stylish 750ml round decanter with star base would make the perfect housewarming present or birthday gift for for a newly married couple who love hosting parties for friends or get togethers with the family. A statement item that's sure to brighten up any room it’s in, add a touch of luxe to proceedings be it a special event or simply for day-to-day use in your house.
To make it a particularly special and unique gift for your loved one, add their name and our fantastic team of artisan creatives will engrave it onto their eye-catching decanter. The result of this meticulous process is a meaningful, premium quality showpiece, that’ll be a must have feature of any party. All they need to do is add alcohol!
Name: Up to 15 Characters
Second Line: Up to 15 Characters
Dimensions: 21cm x 12cm x 12cm
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